My personal and professional growth are continuously realised through three primary aspects of my life; bikes, travel and emotions. For some time now, a camera accompanies me wherever I go.  

Photography came to me in the interest of capturing stories, and it has become an essential part of my day to day, a source of constant learning, and a tool that helps me understand the world. With time, I have managed to transform my passion into my profession, having worked for companies focused primarily on sports lifestyle photography with the likes of Rouleur Magazine, Volata, Orbea, Trek, Ecoalf, Raw Cycling and Bete Noir. All with the same ambition – to extract the ray, emotional stories of sport through the camera lens. I’m always seeking collaboration in the network of photographers that share my same values of storytelling, through this I’ve been fortunate to take part in projects for Time, El País Semanal, Icon and Forbes, amongst others.

My years competing on cycling have given me the ability to understand sport from different perspectives and roles; something that helps me immerse myself in works from a polyvalent figure who empathizes with what he sees and tries to immortalize it.
My passion is telling stories, immersing myself in the events and lives of people and looking behind what is visible to the naked eye. In this portfolio, you will find a selection of some of my most representative images.
Thank you for taking the time to look at them. I hope you find the beauty as I did.

Iván Arribas



Phone: (+34) 672 082 679

Email: contact@ivanarribas.es

Instagram: @ivanarribasm

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